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Tango Travel

2010 Jan San Diego Tango Festival

Event Details

2010 Jan San Diego Tango Festival

Time: December 31, 2009 to January 3, 2010
Location: San Diego Kona Kai Resort (800) 566-2524
Street: 1551 Shelter Island Dr
City/Town: San Diego, CA
Website or Map: http://www.tango.org/2010sdfe…
Phone: stermitz@tango.org
Event Type: tango, festival
Organized By: Organizers of Denver tango festivals
Latest Activity: Dec 30, 2009

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Event Description

B rought to you by the organizers of the Denver Tango Festivals. The 4th Annual San Diego Tango Festival will be a Southern California treat for all tango dancers who love the social tango popular in the milongas of Buenos Aires: close, subtle & romantic.

This year's San Diego Tango festival will start on New Year's Eve and, will be held at the elegant Kona kai Resort, a harbor hotel on Shelter Island, a short hop West of the airport.
The special, kickoff teacher on Thursday, Dec 31 will be Brigitta Winkler of Berlin and New York. Brigitta has been teaching tango since 1980,

We will not be offering Beginner classes. Intermediate classes assume you already know the basics of tango, i.e. ochos, ocho-cortados, improvisation, and navigation. Adv-Intermediate & Advanced classes don't present much vocabulary; instead they focus on musicality, technique, and dance skills.

San Diego has a great, close-embrace community, plus the city itself has many local attractions: Beaches, Restaurants, World famous zoo, Seaworld, Scripps - Birch Aquarium. The hotel is on a a trolley stop to downtown.

Registration: http://tango.org/festregister2.html
SDDTX Featured Instructors:

* Brigitta Winkler, Berlin & NYC
* Homer & Cristina Ladas , San Francisco, CA
* Jaimes Friedgen, Seattle, WA
* Fabienne Bongard, Los Angeles, LA

SDDTX Featured DJs:

* Lampis Zalavras, Los Angeles, CA
* Martin Rybczynski, Boulder, CO
* Vijay Namasivayam, San Francisco, CA
* Avik Basu, Ann Arbor, MI

Early Arrival Milonga:

* Thu, 10:00 - 02:00, DJ TBA, "New Years Eve Milonga" $20

SDDTX Milongas:
* Fri, 3:00 - 06:00, DJ TBA, "Welcome Milonga" $15
* Fri, 9:30 - 02:00, DJ TBA, "Friday Night Milonga" $20
* Sat, 3:00 - 07:00, DJ TBA, "Alternative Music Milonga"$15
* Sat, 9:30 - 02:00, DJ TBA, "Traditional, Elegant Milonga"$20
* Sun, 5:00 - 10:00, Lampis Zalavras, "5-Hour Hardcore Milonga" $20

Final Milonga:
* Sun, 12:00 - Dawn, TBA, "All-night Milonga"

Comment Wall


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Comment by Carolina Rios on October 20, 2009 at 7:29am
hi! I'll be at south lake tahoe in those days, is too far? I'm argentinian, it would be amazing for me dancing tango there, being that far from home... thanks for this information!

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