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Tango Travel


Event Details


Time: August 15, 2008 at 6pm to August 17, 2008 at 6pm
Location: Vancouver BC
City/Town: Vancouver
Website or Map: http://www.bctango.com/nextev…
Phone: 604 684 4225
Event Type: workshops
Latest Activity: Aug 2, 2008

Event Description

More comes to my mind when I think of Oscar Mandagaran and the tango
A brilliant dancer and teacher, Oscar is simply superb. He sets the
standard of what it is to teach the tango, to dance the tango, to live the
it is my great honor and pleasure to bring to you ""Oscar Mandagaran "" (from "Forever Tango" and "Malambo") and Georgina Vargas! You will love them!! August 15 -16 -17 - 2 more weeks ////

Oscar: . , . People in Argentina have been listening to the music since they were babies. This creates a great passion for the dance. It’s like they need to dance to complete their lives. In other countries it is not so different. Why do people dance Tango? They want to feel more sensations. They want energy, feedback, to express themselves. Tango selects people. One day, tango says, “You”, and you never stop dancing. It gets you. We see this in many people around the world. In Argentina, we usually don’t have to teach connection or embrace because this is not a big problem.

We do spend the time To teach wherever we go ""How to connect successfully In a close embrace"" . How to teach leaders to hold their partners to dance with the music and get inspired at the same time " To teach people how to dance Tango well."

August 15 -16 -17 From Argentina " Master Oscar Mandagaran who has the passion for teaching and Performing , together with Georgina Vargas" At Capri Hall 3925 Fraser St Do not miss it

For more info 604 684 4225 www.bctango.com check for flyer (click on new events) gabrielarojo@shaw.ca

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