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Time: February 5, 2010 to September 5, 2010
Location: Villa Godiola
Street: Via San Fabiano 9
City/Town: Arezzo, Italy
Website or Map: http://tangosafari.de/en/node…
Phone: +49 (30)66779216
Event Type: festival, tangotrip, tangoholidays, workshops
Organized By: Ulrich Struhk
Latest Activity: Mar 6, 2010
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Discovering Tango - winding down with Feldenkrais and Yoga - exploring dance-acrobatics
Seven teachers - sixty workshops - eight days of dancing, feasting, playing and enjoying life - the teachers are:
Gonzalo Alonso & Mariel Robles (BsAs), Claudia Schnürer, John Rownan, Judith Preuss, Katharina Meier & Ulrich Struhk
KREATANGO invites you to a special Tango festival in the early Tuscan summer:
For eight days we will be exploring the world of Tango. A wide program of Tango-, bodywork- and dance-acrobatic workshops, as well as daily milongas, will be the basis for discovering and developing your dancing abilities.
The safari program:
Sunday 2.5.2010 - Open-Air-Opening Milonga from 16:00 h with grill in the garden
Daily (Mon-Sun) - Classes for all levels, practica 21:15 h, milonga from 22:15 h
Friday 7.5.2010 - Ball in the Circolo Artistico (Direction: Corsa Italia 108, Arezzo)
Saturday 8.5.2010 - Final ball with show, live concert und surprises
Program details and further information can be seen at www.tangosafari.de
Duration of the trip Sunday 2.5.-Sunday 9.5.2010:
265 € for 14 hours of lessons, 7 practicas, 5 milongas, 2 balls with show and concert
Board and lodging is to be payed for separately at the venue:
350 € for 7 nights in Double room, including brunch, afternoon coffee and dinner
210 € for 7 nights in dorm room or tent, including brunch, afternoon coffee and dinner
Travel costs are not included, but we are happy to help in planning your trip.
Katharina Meier, +49 (0)30 217 59 361, +49 (0)176 61 24 42 73 - katharina@kreatango.de
Ulrich Struhk, +49 (0)30 66 77 92 16, +49 (0)176 96 76 34 31 - ulrich@kreatango.de
Further information and online booking under www.tangosafari.de
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