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Tango Travel

Tango holidays in Tuscan Maremma (Italy)

Event Details

Tango holidays in Tuscan Maremma (Italy)

Time: August 21, 2010 at 4pm to August 27, 2010 at 7pm
Location: Monticello Amiata (Grosseto) Italy
Website or Map: http://www.essentiadanza.it
Phone: +39 3476959746
Event Type: tango, holiday, -, residential, seminaries
Organized By: Dario Moffa
Latest Activity: Jul 5, 2010

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Event Description

The Association “Essentia”, Turin, Italy is setting up:

Tango yes, but…. not only.
Monticello Amiata (Grosseto ), 21 - 27 August A study Holiday bathed in relax in Italy’s beautiful Tuscan maremma

Guests will be housed in apartments, with several choices of accommodation available, in two beautiful mansion houses “Le Pianore” at Monticello Amiata (Grosseto) set in the heart of the Tuscan maremma

A beautiful week-end experience with “tangosensibile” Sensitive Tango. This is open to all …..also those who do not dance Tango (a unique experience… you will surprise yourself).
From the 21st to 22nd August …one level for everyone -
Timetable: Saturday 21st afternoon programme, 4.30 to - 8.30;
Sunday 22nd: morning programme 11 O’clock- to 1 O’clock and afternoon ..3 O’clock to - 6 O’clock)
Saturday Night Dance: Milonga in Grosseto
Teacher : Dario Moffa.
Cost: €Euro 130, all inclusive of : half board on the Saturday night in a room sleeping four persons, breakfast and lunch on Sunday and the 9 hours of the seminar
Or: €Euro 135 in a room sleeping 3 persons, €Euro 145 in a double room; € 150 in a single room
There is also the possibility to attend the seminar without overnight booking for the sum of €Euro 70.
To understand better what Sensitive tango is: http://www.tangosensibile.it/en/tangosensibile.php

5 days of “tango Nuevo”
From the 23rd to the 27th August intermediate advanced level
Teachers: Dario Moffa and Monica Bozzano
Timetable: Each afternoon a 4 hour practical teaching session, from 4. 30 to 8. 30. Every evening: guided practical training or Milonga as from 10. 30

The “steps”, or rather musical expressions you will learn include:: colgadas, volcadas, soltadas, sacadas, piernazos, boleos, ganchos agarres and of course musicality and interpretation will be a constant fundamental part of the teaching.

Cost: €Euro 430: all inclusive of 5 days’ half board in a room sleeping four persons, 20 hours of seminar, practise and evening dancing in a typical “milonghe” atmophere
or €Euro 450 in a room sleeping three for the five days ; € Euro 485 in a double room for 5 days; €Euro 525 for a single room
Should accommodation not be required then the cost of the seminar would be € Euro160 (excluding meals)

Should you require any further information and/or inscription please contact:
Dario 0039 347 6959746 dario@essentiadanza.it
Monica 0039 349 6479702 monica.bozzano@tin.it
For details as to tangosensibile please visit our site at: www.tangosensibile.it
Photographic documentation of the beautiful sites that will house you throughout your stay is at your disposal at… www.lepianore.it

N.B: it is advisable to book in two’s (male and female) for tango Argentino. However, if you do not have a partner to dance with there is a waiting list of persons on a first come first served basis. There is no need for such a booking should you wish to experience tangosensibile, nor is it necessary to have any previous experience in tango. (go to read about it and you’ll see why!)
Inscriptions shall be considered confirmed only after having received a deposit for the sum of €Euro 100.
For those of you who are not already members of our association, it is necessary to become a member to take part in these courses at the special prices offered .There will, therefore, be an additional sum of € 10

Dario Moffa and Monica Bozzano
Dancers and teachers, who, whilst exploring innovative ways of expressing the beauty of tango music in the form of tango Nuevo, hold strong the traditional roots of tango argentino, often producing beautiful and unexpected blends.
They firmly believe in improvisation in dance expression and the rational harmony of movement, transferring these concepts in both their teachings and personal performances. Should you like to know more.. please visit: www.essentiadanza.it

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