Due to increasing administration costs & countless number of false sign-ups (spam) onto the Tango Travel network we are considering asking for contributions to keep this wonderful community going. Could we kindly ask you to take a short survey regarding this? Click here to take survey
August 21, 2009 to August 30, 2009 – Safaribasecamp Klempowsee - 1 h near Berlin Exploring Tango – discover your body through Shiatsu and Yogilates Fifteen teachers – one hundred workshop hours – up to ten days following the tracks of tango – dancing, playing, sunning – directly… Organized by Ulrich Struhk | Type: festival, tangocamp
August 23, 2009 to August 30, 2009 – Budapest Dear Tangueros, You probably get about a dozen e-mails each week about a new tango festival somewhere. Here is another, but in this case, we did go far enough to create something a tad bit more inte… Organized by Hölgyválasz Dancestudio | Type: festival
August 28, 2009 at 9:30pm to August 29, 2009 at 1:30am – Tango a Media Luz 'TANGO A MEDIA LUZ' is located in the heart of Vancouver's funky Commercial Drive district. Accessible by car, bus or skytrain. With it's many fine restaurants and coffee houses 'THE DRIVE' as it is… Organized by Clarry | Type: milonga
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