Due to increasing administration costs & countless number of false sign-ups (spam) onto the Tango Travel network we are considering asking for contributions to keep this wonderful community going. Could we kindly ask you to take a short survey regarding this? Click here to take survey
February 5, 2010 to September 5, 2010 – Villa Godiola Discovering Tango - winding down with Feldenkrais and Yoga - exploring dance-acrobatics Seven teachers - sixty workshops - eight days of dancing, feasting, playing and enjoying life - the teachers ar… Organized by Ulrich Struhk | Type: festival, tangotrip, tangoholidays, workshops
May 21, 2010 at 7am to August 28, 2010 at 7pm – Croatia - Dalmatia; Island Ciovo - Slatine & Island Vis - Komiza Sommer, Sonne, Meer, Spaß und Erholung, herrliche Natur, leckeres Essen, eigener Wein, tolle Menschen, historische Plätze, Fishermen und Fishermen`s friends, ... und viel, viel Tango the croatian way… Organized by Adriatango Croatia - Split | Type: tango, vacation, in, croatia
May 21, 2010 at 7am to August 28, 2010 at 7pm – Croatia - Dalmatia; Island Ciovo - Slatine Sommer, Sonne, Meer, Spaß und Erholung, herrliche Natur, leckeres Essen, eigener Wein, tolle Menschen, historische Plätze, Fishermen und Fishermen`s friends, ... und viel, viel Tango the croatian way… Organized by Adriatango Croatia - Split | Type: tango, vacation, in, croatia
May 23, 2010 to June 5, 2010 – Buenos Aires Exciting tango-tour to Buenos Aires. Far away from tourism, tango-professionals will show you the secrets of tango, you can dance with Argentine dance-partners and if you want: even learn spanish! Ge… Organized by Marión Acosta - Team-Tango-International | Type: tango-tour
May 25, 2010 at 6pm to May 30, 2010 at 12pm – Lviv, Ukraine 2-nd non-profit Tango – Festival “Lvivs tAndA” is waiting for you! Ukraine, Lviv 25 – 30 May 2010 Organizers of the festival: * Public Organization “Lviv tango-club ” street people ” * Holding emo… Organized by Tango Club Streets People | Type: festival
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