Due to increasing administration costs & countless number of false sign-ups (spam) onto the Tango Travel network we are considering asking for contributions to keep this wonderful community going. Could we kindly ask you to take a short survey regarding this? Click here to take survey
February 5, 2010 to September 5, 2010 – Villa Godiola Discovering Tango - winding down with Feldenkrais and Yoga - exploring dance-acrobatics Seven teachers - sixty workshops - eight days of dancing, feasting, playing and enjoying life - the teachers ar… Organized by Ulrich Struhk | Type: festival, tangotrip, tangoholidays, workshops
May 21, 2010 at 7am to August 28, 2010 at 7pm – Croatia - Dalmatia; Island Ciovo - Slatine & Island Vis - Komiza Sommer, Sonne, Meer, Spaß und Erholung, herrliche Natur, leckeres Essen, eigener Wein, tolle Menschen, historische Plätze, Fishermen und Fishermen`s friends, ... und viel, viel Tango the croatian way… Organized by Adriatango Croatia - Split | Type: tango, vacation, in, croatia
May 21, 2010 at 7am to August 28, 2010 at 7pm – Croatia - Dalmatia; Island Ciovo - Slatine Sommer, Sonne, Meer, Spaß und Erholung, herrliche Natur, leckeres Essen, eigener Wein, tolle Menschen, historische Plätze, Fishermen und Fishermen`s friends, ... und viel, viel Tango the croatian way… Organized by Adriatango Croatia - Split | Type: tango, vacation, in, croatia
August 8, 2010 at 7am to August 18, 2010 at 10pm – Sicily, Italy The Sun, the sea, you and Tango! 10 tango days at Ginostra di Lipari, on Stromboli island, one of EOLIE islands in the beautiful Sicily, Italy from the 8th to the 18th of august 2010. *Round trip f… Organized by Maria Florencia Obertello | Type: tango, holidays
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