Due to increasing administration costs & countless number of false sign-ups (spam) onto the Tango Travel network we are considering asking for contributions to keep this wonderful community going. Could we kindly ask you to take a short survey regarding this? Click here to take survey
February 5, 2010 to September 5, 2010 – Villa Godiola Discovering Tango - winding down with Feldenkrais and Yoga - exploring dance-acrobatics Seven teachers - sixty workshops - eight days of dancing, feasting, playing and enjoying life - the teachers ar… Organized by Ulrich Struhk | Type: festival, tangotrip, tangoholidays, workshops
April 8, 2010 at 6pm to April 12, 2010 at 7pm – Belgrade Tango Festival Organized by Tango Natural Belgrade | Type: tango, festival
April 8, 2010 at 7pm to April 12, 2010 at 12am – University of Chicago Spice up your Spring with hot social tango dancing in Chicago. This weekend will provide you with a unique opportunity to share your love of tango, meet new people and celebrate Spring in Chicago. Fe… Organized by Ray Barbosa | Type: tango, festival, workshop, exhibition, performance, class
© 2025 Created by Aled Rees.
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